
Course Number Professor
Civic Responsibility and Sustainability210
ModuleACCT 283Various
VITAACCT 390Schlerman
Service-Learning in AnthropologyANTH 283Various
Environmental AnthropologyANTH 290Searles
Topics: Applied AnthropologyANTH 290Staff
Ethnographic Field MethodsANTH 366Bass
Food PoliticsANTH 390Hopwood
Service-Learning in ArtART 283Various
Medical Conditioning for the Athletic TrainerAT 472Duinink
EpidemiologyBIOL 210DuPre
Principles of MarketingBMGT 271Summers
Managing and Valuing Cultural DiversityBMGT 350Staff
Organizational BehaviorBMGT 351Staff
Marketing ResearchBMGT 375Summers
democracyCIV 110Keith Yanner
Food JusticeCIV 210Zaffiro
Intercultural CommunicationCOMM 268Laine
Communicating Health & IllnessCOMM 276Laine
Service-Learning in CommunicationsCOMM 283Various
Public RelationsCOMM 340Stavros
Negotiating Organizational CulturesCOMM 342Laine
Service-Learning in Computer ScienceCOSC 283Various
Cross Cultural ModuleCRCL 283Various
Human RelationsEDUC 215 (Elementary Sites)Hastings
Human RelationsEDUC 215 (Secondary Sites)Hastings
Teaching English Language LearnersEDUC 231Van Der Pol
Curriculum & Methods Instructional Strategies: Mild/ModerateEDUC 331Jen Diers
Teaching Social StudiesEDUC 333Jen Diers
Intro to Literature - Honors EnrichmentENGL 199HDolezal
Nature and Environmental LiteratureENGL 213Dolezal
Personal EssayENGL 240Dolezal
Writing Oral HistoriesENGL 243Dolezal
Illness and Health in LiteratureENGL 270Dolezal
Service-Learning in EnglishENGL 283Various
Independent StudyENGL 299Dolezal
Literary JournalismENGL 340Dolezal
Writing for Non-Profit OrganizationsENGL 344Nesbit
Service-Learning in Environmental ScienceENVS 383Various
Adapted Physical EducationEXSC 212Valster
Adapted Physical EducationEXSC 212 (old)Gannon
Community, Consumer, and Global HealthEXSC 261Duinink
Service-Learning in Exercise ScienceEXSC 283Various
Worksite Program, Planning & EvaluationEXSC 380Gannon
Service-Learning General StudiesGENR 283
Aesthetics to AthleticsGENR 290McMahon
Intro to International StudiesGEOG 215Young
The Immigrant ExperienceHIST 235Witt
Adapted Physical EducationKIN 212Fuller
Fitness After FiftyKIN 432Valster
IntersectionsLAS 110Various
The Engaged CitizenLAS 110 - The Engaged CitizenYanner
Where We LiveLAS 110 - Where We LiveHastings
Literary JournalismLAS 189Dolezal
Disability in AmericaLAS 410 Yanner
Expl Ecotones Lit, Sc, HistLAS 410Stark
Food JusticeLAS 410 AZaffiro
Bowling League: Disability in AmericaLAS 410 BKeith Yanner
Perspectives on Inequality & Social ChangeLAS 410 GVarious
Rap, Hip-Hop & Decolnz ClassrLAS 410-GVan Waardhuizen
Introduction to International PoliticsPOLS 140Zaffiro
Global SustainabilityPOLS 242Zaffiro
Service-Learning in Political SciencePOLS 283
Seminar in Public PolicyPOLS 355Green
Research SeminarPOLS 489Yanner
Theories of PersonalityPSYC 225Various
PsychopathologyPSYC 231Staff
Psychology of GenderPSYC 240Various
Multicultural Issues in PsychologyPSYC 330Renstrom
Child and Adolescent DevelopmentPSYC 382Scolaro
Adult Development and AgingPSYC 384Jones
Women in Biblical LiteratureREL 190Vos
Spirituality in the Christian TraditionREL 222Vishnevskaya
Religion & Sustainability REL 290Campbell, B
Crime and DelinquencySOC 241DeWild
Sociology of the FamilySOC 242Reece
Intro to Social WorkSOC 250Long-Dewolf
Service-Learning in SociologySOC 283Various
Doing SociologySOC 290Reece
Status & Inequality in Soc LifeSOC 336Various
Intermediate Spanish IISPAN 222Korcheck
Advanced Spanish ISPAN 321Korcheck
Advanced Spanish IISPAN 322Krogstad
Civilization of Hispanic America SPAN 343Krogstad
Culture & Civ of SpainSPAN 344Sam Mate-Kodjo
Optional VolunteeringX Green Pod VolunteersSarah Lunsford